the game

2013-07-04 – 01:33

I am ready to pay off your trust. Because love is a game calculated to lose. And I have a lot of debts to pay off. The good news it all goes to you.

For you I am ready to lose a few more times. Lose the things I could have. Lose the places I should had seen by now.

I’m not cashing out. I’m doing my best to stay at your table. I’m doing my best to keep it running. Because it feels so good to be where I am and do what I do.

the game

Recepta na szczęście:
– duży element przygody
– szczypta pimięty
– kilka kropel wenezuelskiego rumu
– czekoladki z nadzieniem z daktyla
Położyć na ruszcie i zalać piwem.

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