Archive for the SOFA category

hello world

Saturday, November 8th, 2008

SOFA project, Naleśnik, Poland, Warsaw, 2008-11-07, Friday, 8:07 am, waking up before going to work.

Sofa project – update

Friday, November 7th, 2008

I got the first replies on the Sofa project – many thanks. To keep track on it I added the link in the header. I will keep updating the original post with the participants list. Many thanks, waiting for more!

[Nalesnik’s sofa]

nowy projekt / new project announced – SOFA

Thursday, November 6th, 2008

(English version below)

Niniejszym ogłaszam nowy projekt fotograficzny, do którego chciałbym Ciebie zaprosić. Pomysł jest następujący – zapraszasz mnie na swoją kanapę na kilka dni (wymagań nie mam dużych, podłoga też ujdzie). W tym czasie dokumentuję Miejsce w Którym Żyjesz i Ciebie w Nim. To takie proste. To jak? Zgłoszenia/zaproszenia na maila albo w komentarzach.

(English version)

Hereby I announce a new photographic project and invite you to participate in it. The idea is as follows: you invite me to your sleep on your sofa for a couple of days (I don’t have big needs, floor is also ok). At that time I would document You And The Place You Live In. It’s that simple. So how would it be? Please submit your registrations/invitations via email or comments.

[Tomski’s “sofa” – December 2007]

1. Tomski – Warsaw, Poland [some pics made, waiting for more]
2. Naleśnik – Warsaw, Poland [done: 1]
3. Noriko & Coskun – Bursa, Turkey [to be done]
4. Imper – location unknown [to be done]
5. Wejdi – Bursa, Turkey [to be done]
6. Nat – London, UK [in 2009]
7. Domka – Warsaw, Poland [soon]
8. Elizabeth – Shanghai, China or Madison, USA or who knows [hmmmm]
9. Sandra Ch.- Winterthur, Switzerland [to be done]
10. Mat – Seattle, USA [to be done]
11. Justa & Geoffrey – Paris, France [to be done]
12. Ewa Kamila – somewhere, somehow [to be done]
13. Gosia M.-Cz. – Canada [to be done]
14. Ewa Iskierka – Sydney, Australia [to be done]
15. Ola B – Gdynia, Poland [to be done]
16. Walt Balenovich – Toronto, Canada [to be done]
17. Roma Piotrowska – Birmingham, UK [to be done]
18. kozica – Warszawa (Bielany), Poland [to be done]
19. Anita Damas – Florianopolis, Brazylia [to be done]